Performance Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram Delaware

Jul 23, 2021

Oil Change | Performance Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram Delaware in Delaware, OHIf you don’t get your oil changed regularly, your fuel efficiency will decrease. If you ignore this decrease in fuel efficiency, your engine will run too hot. This heat will start to break down the essential components that keep your motor running smoothly. If left unchecked, a complete engine rebuild will be necessary. Keep reading to discover how often you should get a Dodge oil change.


Do you remember the last time you brought your vehicle in for an oil change performed by a certified Dodge technician? If you haven’t brought your vehicle in recently, it may be time to do so. Typically, you should get an oil change every 5,000 miles. However, you can go up to 12,500 miles without an oil change or negative consequences if synthetic motor oil is used.

Is Synthetic Motor Oil Advisable?

Yes, there are circumstances under which you should have your oil changed with synthetic motor oil. For example, it is advisable to have synthetic motor oil used when you take your vehicle in for an oil change if you don’t drive on highways and drive fewer than 10 miles daily. When you drive short distances, your motor doesn’t heat enough to boil off the system’s accumulated condensation.
This causes the motor oil to break down prematurely. Synthetic oil doesn’t have this problem. Here are some other benefits of synthetic motor oil:

Greater Motor Protection

One of the most significant advantages of synthetic motor oil is it offers far greater motor protection than petroleum-based motor oil. The components of your motor are in constant contact and move at incredibly high speeds. Severe conditions cause these components to wear down prematurely.
The only thing that prevents all of the moving parts of your motor from wearing down and failing is the motor oil. Synthetic motor oil protects your motor over twice as long as petroleum-based motor oil. The more severe your driving conditions are, the more important it is to give your motor as much protection as possible.

Improved Viscosity

At high temperatures, petroleum-based motor oil thins significantly. Contrastingly, it thickens significantly when temperatures drop below freezing. The viscosity of synthetic motor oil remains stable despite extreme temperature shifts. This means you can feel confident your motor will run smoothly regardless of how hot or cold it is.

Cleaner Motor

Deposits form as motor oil circulates through the motor of your vehicle. Over time, these deposits form a sludge that reduces the efficiency and lifespan of your motor. Synthetic oils resist the formation of deposits and subsequent sludge.

To keep your motor running safely and efficiently, it is essential to have regular maintenance performed. Depending on the conditions you drive in and the type of motor oil used, you may need an oil change every 3,000 to 12,5000 miles. Reach out to our service team at Performance Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram Delaware to schedule an oil change and keep your motor running smoothly.